From what age and up to how old can braces be placed to align teeth From what age and up to how old can braces be placed to align teeth

From how many and how many years you can put braces for a child and an adult. At what age is better to put braces for children and ...

Teeth pads: what are they and what are they called Teeth pads: what are they and what are they called

Types of tooth pads: ceramic, composite, removable decorative. What are tooth pads called and why are they needed ...

Gaps between the teeth: why they appear and how to remove Gaps between the teeth: why they appear and how to remove

How to fix and remove the gap between the front and other teeth. Getting rid of the gap between the teeth ...

Distal (prognathic) bite in adults and children: causes and how to fix Distal (prognathic) bite in adults and children: causes and how to fix

A distal bite is when the front teeth protrude forward. Causes of a distal bite and how to fix it ...

Lingual braces for bite correction: pros and cons, installation, types and cost Lingual braces for bite correction: pros and cons, installation, types and cost

Overview of the pros and cons of lingual bracket systems, installation. Bite correction with lingual braces, before and after photos ...

Damon braces: description, varieties, photos Damon braces: description, varieties, photos

Overview, varieties and photos of Dimon braces. Description of the metal bracket system Damon Q and other braces Damon ...

Retainers for teeth after braces: why are they needed, how are they installed and how much Retainers for teeth after braces: why are they needed, how are they installed and how much

After braces, retainers are placed on the teeth. Why they are needed, the installation process, how much to wear them. Removable and non-removable retainers ...

Sapphire braces: advantages, disadvantages, installation, photo before and after Sapphire braces: advantages, disadvantages, installation, photo before and after

All about sapphire braces: indications, advantages, disadvantages, installation steps. Photos before and after installing the sapphire bracket system ...

How much braces you need to wear to align your teeth, how braces are put on How much braces you need to wear to align your teeth, how braces are put on

How many braces on teeth do adults and children wear? The minimum wearing period if the teeth are not very crooked ...

Children's and adult dental trainers: varieties, indications, wearing rules, cost Children's and adult dental trainers: varieties, indications, wearing rules, cost

Orthodontic trainers for teeth for children and adults. Trainers to align teeth and correct bite. What are the trainers for braces ...

How to align front and chewing teeth without braces in children and adults How to align front and chewing teeth without braces in children and adults

Is it possible to straighten and straighten crooked front teeth in adults without braces? Correction and correction of teeth in adults, how to align ...


