Is it possible to kill a nerve in a tooth at home and how to do it

Toothache is one of the most unbearable for a person. Dentists usually treat her, but everyone can be in a situation where immediate consultation in the clinic is not possible. Then you can try to kill the nerve in the tooth at home and get rid of the symptom once and for all. But it should be borne in mind that this is a very risky undertaking.

A woman has a toothache

The structure of the tooth and where is the nerve

Before you ask yourself how to kill a nerve in a tooth at home, you need to understand the structure of the tooth itself. Many people believe that incisors, fangs and molars are 100% composed of solid bone material. However, in reality they have a more complex structure.

The structure of the tooth in the context

Enamel, dentin and cement betray the hardness of the teeth, under them is a softer tissue - pulp. Nerve endings are located in it. The number of endings is always equal to the number of roots, their maximum can be four per tooth.

What causes toothaches

The most common cause of toothache is pulp inflammation. And in the inflammation, in turn, the infection is often to blame. The main factor influencing the penetration of infection is tooth decay.

  • The initial stage of cariesThis process begins with a gradual lesion of dentin. Until he reaches the pulp, there will be no pain. There is a likelihood that you will not need to remove the tooth if caries is detected and treated on time. The photo on the right shows what the initial stage of caries looks like.
  • After the complete destruction of dentin, the disease passes into pulpitis. This is an inflammation of the pulp - the softest and most vulnerable part of the tooth. In this case, the dentist decides whether to remove any part of the pulp or all of it.
  • The third stage - periodontitis - the most neglected. This is an inflammation that affects not only the pulp of the tooth in which the nerves are located, but also the gums. Even strong painkillers will no longer work. With periodontitis, you have to completely remove the nerve. Such a tooth is now insensitive and is called dead.

Signs of inflammation of the dental nerve

Missing signs of inflammation does not work, because it is always accompanied by severe pain. The main symptoms of the inflammatory process are felt as follows:

  • Every movement of the head, even a slight one, causes a sharp pain. Only one tooth can hurt, but in such a situation it is very difficult to understand which one. The pain can radiate and spread even to the entire jaw.
  • There is a feeling of constant discomfort, throbbing, pressure in the temples and / or collar zone.
  • The patient is worried about sharp pains in contact with any irritant. It can be cold or hot food, water, chocolate. And even the air inhaled through the teeth causes an outbreak of pain. Pills designed to muffle it do not help.

It is not surprising that after such suffering, people are looking for a way by which they could kill a tooth nerve at home.

Can a tooth nerve die itself

A nerve in a tooth can die itself if the destructive process has gone far enough. But until this moment, days will pass, and all this time a person will feel severe pain. Medications will not give the desired effect and do not completely extinguish the discomfort.

The main sign that the nerve is dead is the sudden cessation of pain. But this is not worth rejoicing, this is only a temporary improvement, because the culprit himself has not disappeared. The same thing happens to him as to other dead tissues - it will rot. In this situation, only complete removal of the nerve will save.

Delaying a visit to the dentist threatens with serious complications. As a result, it may be necessary to remove not one, but two or more teeth. A sharp improvement is not a reason to cancel a trip to the dentist.

How and what can you kill a nerve at home

Many people are too afraid of the dental chair and therefore resort to alternative medicine. You can kill a nerve in a tooth yourself, using folk remedies, but it is worth remembering that it is necessary to use these methods carefully and only in extreme cases.

The best known way to kill a nerve at home is to use arsenic. This method is very dangerous, because arsenic is a strong poison. Folk healers recommend taking a pea of ​​a substance and placing it in a carious cavity - nerves should die out after about a day.

Such a gamble is fraught with consequences and can be fatal if the dosage is not correctly calculated. Even in the old days, when the method of treatment with arsenic was still widespread, healers used not pure substance, but arsenic acid - a much weaker drug.

What kills a nerve in a tooth except arsenic

It’s better not to risk your life and consult a doctor. Or in extreme cases, give preference to another method, more secure. In addition to arsenic, a nerve in a tooth is killed by such means:

  • Garlic for killing a dental nerveVinegar. A small cotton swab dipped in vinegar is applied to the tooth and held for several minutes. Be careful, Vinegar not only kills the nerve, but also corrodes the hard tissues of the tooth - dentin and enamel. Therefore, do not hold it in your mouth for too long.
  • Garlic, mashed together with a pinch of salt, will help the tooth root to die out if it is laid in a carious cavity. This process is accompanied by a sharp outbreak of pain, which is recommended simply to endure.
  • To kill a tooth nerve at home without pain, you can use zinc. To do this, burn a black and white newspaper, and collect the ashes and anoint them with a painful area. The powder should be in the oral cavity for at least 12 hours.
  • Gunpowder can also help with trouble. A small amount of it is placed in the carious cavity and left for 5-6 hours. In no case should you swallow gunpowder if you do not want to be poisoned.
  • Burning by iodine. A cotton swab moistened with iodine is pressed firmly against the diseased tooth and left for several hours. Iodine causes a burning sensation that will not stop while the pulp is alive.

How to prepare for the procedure

You can not do such important manipulations without properly preparing for them. To minimize risks, before self-killing a nerve it is extremely important:

  • Brush your teeth well. This will help to remove excess plaque and food debris. To achieve the best result, the procedure must be repeated two or three times.
  • Carefully clean the carious hole with a disinfected needle in vodka or alcohol. You must act with extreme caution in order to remove contaminants and not damage anything.
  • Rinse mouth thoroughly.

And only after that it is possible to kill a dental nerve at home. But it is important to remember that alternative medicines are not a panacea. They only temporarily relieve the problem, after some time you still have to go to the clinic.

The consequences of self-medication

Self-medication can lead to far more extensive problems than just a bad tooth. Killing a nerve using the wrong method and in non-sterile conditions is risky due to possible poisoning, a burn of the oral cavity, the development of inflammation and even death. It is worth considering carefully before giving up professional assistance in dentistry.

A diseased tooth cannot be completely cured on its own.Even if one of the folk methods was successfully used, or the tooth nerve died itself. If it is still possible to kill him at home, then nobody can remove a tooth nerve at home. Then the help of the dentist will be needed. Only he can correctly remove the inflamed soft tissues, clean the canals, put a tooth crown or temporary filling and prescribe the right medicine.

Purulent fistula in the gum

Photo: purulent fistula looks like this

Dental problems that can occur if you ignore these tips are extensive:

  • If caries is not treated, the pathological process will continue to develop and affect other teeth, which will lead to the death of healthy tissues.
  • If you leave the dead tissue in place, it will begin to decompose and fester. The infection will join, the pain will return and become stronger. Extensive removal of necrotic sites may be necessary.
  • Under the influence of infection, purulent fistulas are often formed, even the formation of chronic purulent inflammation is possible.


No wonder there are so many clinics where patients are provided with qualified help. Thirty percent of people who came to the dentist with extensive and advanced inflammations could minimize the lesions by contacting dentistry in a timely manner. Self-medication is able to result not only in the patient’s time spent, but also in large financial expenses.

You can kill a tooth nerve at home, but this is an extremely risky task. Avoiding many problems will be easier if you follow the oral hygiene, visit a doctor on time and, if possible, do not self-medicate.

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