Yellow teeth in adults and children: causes, methods of whitening, photo

If the teeth suddenly turn yellow, there is no reason to avoid people and learn to talk with your mouth half closed. It is necessary to understand why tooth enamel changed color from white to yellow, and find a way that will help whiten it.

Yellow teeth

Is there a yellow tooth enamel from nature?

By nature, tooth enamel has a grayish-white or bluish-white color. The natural shade of dentin under it is yellow, sometimes interspersed. The finer the enamel, the brighter the dentin.

Yellow enamel also indicates an increased level of mineralization and that the teeth are able to withstand various pathogens, due to which caries is often formed. Too white tooth enamel often indicates an insufficient amount of minerals in the body, which should be accompanied by their increased sensitivity and predisposition to caries.

For some people, the layer of dental enamel is so thin by nature that they are unable to whiten yellow teeth, despite the fact that they are trying to do various whitening procedures and buy expensive toothpastes.

The color of tooth enamel is purely individual and is caused not only by any dental pathologies, but also by the physiological characteristics of the body. But gender is not important: the color of the teeth in girls is not lighter than in boys.

Reasons why teeth turn yellow in adults and children

Before brightening the teeth, it is necessary to establish the cause of yellowing of the enamel. You can start whitening yellow teeth only by finding out why they became so. If only the symptom (color) is eliminated without destroying the very cause of the pathology, after some time the smile will still lose its snow-white.

There are many reasons why teeth turn yellow. Below are only the main ones:

  • poor oral hygiene is a key cause of yellowing of enamel in adults;
  • smoking cigarettes, hookah and alcohol abuse, especially red wine;
  • problems caused by hereditary factors, in which the teeth remain yellow even after whitening;
  • excessive consumption of certain foods: chocolate, coffee and black tea, beets and carrots, red berries, juices with artificial colors;
  • taking medications, especially antibiotics (tetracyclines);
  • insufficient intake of nutrients as a result of diets, prolonged exhaustion or illness (prevention will help prevent the disorder);
  • age-related changes in tooth enamel: in the elderly, due to a sharp leaching of calcium, it becomes weak and porous;
  • damage to the pulp region of the tooth due to injuries: accidents, direct blows to the jaw or fall;
  • long wearing braces;
  • vitamin deficiencies, get rid of which will help the intake of vitamins;
  • rotting of the dental root;
  • some chronic diseases;
  • regular drinking water with plenty of iron;
  • poisoning with vapors of metals, most often with mercury from a broken thermometer;
  • regular bleaching, which leads to demineralization of enamel, the appearance of cracks and chips on it.

Do teeth turn yellow from a hookah?

Teeth always turn yellow from smoking a hookah. The poisons contained in hookah mixtures have a detrimental effect on tooth enamel, which simply cracks.In addition, in hookah mixtures, there is a lot of resin, which leads to yellowing of the teeth in girls and boys.

Photo of yellow teeth

The shade of the teeth is largely due to the reason, due to which the enamel sharply turned yellow. An experienced doctor is able to draw medical conclusions only on the basis of a visual examination of the oral cavity.

Yellow teeth in children

If in adults most of the reasons why teeth turn yellow sharply are associated with mechanical stresses, age-related pathologies, and poor hygiene, then things are different in children. If the baby’s teeth have already erupted yellowed, this indicates:

  • Heredity.
  • Hidden systemic pathology. In this case, it is necessary to conduct differential diagnostics in order to remove the cause of the manifestation and subsequently get rid of it itself.
  • Malnutrition. Young children are shown to make separate dishes, and not to offer them salted and peppered food from a common table.
  • Thin enamel, which is formed due to insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals.
  • Treatment of the mother with antibiotics in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy.
You should teach your child not only to brush his teeth, but also rinse his mouth with plain water after each meal. Such manipulations will be a good prevention of a yellowish shade of teeth.

What to do with yellow teeth: professional whitening in dentistry

Regardless of why the teeth turn yellow, you can effectively whiten them using special chemicals or by hardware exposure. There are various methods of professional whitening that are used not only in Moscow, but also in other large cities:

  • photo whitening;
  • professional cleaning;
  • the use of chemical bleaches;
  • ultrasound technique;
  • laser method of enamel clarification.

Just one or two procedures can make the smile snow-white. The exact duration of the course treatment and the necessary preparatory steps depend on the severity of the pathology.

How to whiten yellow teeth at home

If the reason why the teeth turned yellow was poor hygiene of the oral cavity, then you can not only strengthen the care of your gums and dental enamel, but also choose a good whitening toothpaste. She will remove the plaque on her teeth and lighten the enamel.

There are many different ratings of oral care products, but each consumer must make their own choices after consulting a dentist. Only he can advise the patient on the optimal toothpaste.

Toothpaste Perfect White BlackThere are several high-quality whitening pastes:

  • White Wash Nano. Ideal for sensitive teeth.
  • Diamond Swiss Smile. Helps whiten enamel thanks to diamond particles.
  • Lacalut White and Paradontax. They return natural whiteness, that is, they are not suitable for people who have yellow tooth enamel by nature.
  • Natura House Extra.
  • Perfect White Black. It copes with the yellow coating of a smoker.
You can take any toothpaste, add a solution of hydrogen peroxide to it and brush your teeth with such a tool every 3-4 days, alternating with regular brushing. The proper effect will be achieved in a few weeks.

Not one toothpaste will help get rid of yellowing of enamel due to tetracycline. To lighten it, you have to resort to hardware whitening. Fighting tetracycline stains on enamel with simple means (rinses, pastes or homeopathic medicines) is pointless and even dangerous for further dental health. To clear the deep layers of enamel in this way will not work.

Homeopathy: treatment and prevention

If it is known that the tooth enamel is not yellow due to any chronic diseases or dental pathologies, then you can try to whiten it with homeopathic medicines.They give a minimal burden on the body, and therefore are suitable for most patients. The most famous homeopathic remedies against yellowness on the teeth include:

  • Silica based on silicic acid.
  • Symphitum prepared from comfrey root.
  • Plantago-plus, which includes 4 mono-preparations: large plantain, pharmacy livestock, creosote, mercury solubis.
  • Homeopathic Toothpaste Protein-O.

Adults usually do not believe in homeopathy, but sometimes it really helps in getting rid of yellow plaque.

Yellow teeth do not always indicate any pathology, but to make sure there are no dental and internal diseases, you should visit the dentist. Only a dentist can determine exactly what caused the change in the basic shade of tooth enamel, and say how to treat this pathology.

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