How and how to clean dentures at home

Thanks to the development of modern dentistry, even the complete absence of teeth has been resolved. You can restore the functionality and appearance of the dentition with the help of prosthetics. Care for dentures should be no less thorough than for natural teeth.

Dentists give a number of recommendations on how to clean dentures at home. For removable teeth to last longer, it is worth observing these rules.

Denture cleaning

How and how to clean removable dentures

Enamel and gums should be cleaned of plaque twice a day. Some experts even recommend brushing your teeth after each meal to remove food debris, which is a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, leading to the development of most diseases of the oral cavity.

Depositions also accumulate on dentures. Bacterial products are dangerous for both construction and human health. Therefore, when wearing prostheses, the following rules must be observed:

  • Denture brushBefore putting on the prosthesis, you should always rinse it with running water, preferably boiled. This manipulation should be performed after each meal.
  • You can clean the denture at home using a special brush with double-sided bristles and paste. This procedure should be carried out at least once a day.
  • For a more thorough cleaning of the structure, it is recommended to use an irrigator. It delivers a stream of water under pressure, which pushes pollution out of hard-to-reach areas.
  • Antiseptic cleaning of the product should be carried out weekly. For this purpose, you can use special antiseptic tablets. It is enough to dissolve one such tablet in water and leave dentures in the resulting solution for several hours. If cleaning has not been carried out for a long time, you can increase the exposure time to 10-12 hours.
Once every 6 months it is necessary to visit the dentist dentist. It corrects dentures if they are erased or broken, and also removes all deposits that have accumulated in hard-to-reach areas.

How to clean dentures from plaque

If you ignore the basic rules for cleansing dentures, dark deposits will begin to accumulate on their surface. Over time, the plaque will become harder, tartar forms in hard-to-reach areas. Due to a constant source of infection, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity can become inflamed.

How to clean dentures from plaque:

  • Keep the construction in a disinfectant solution for 2-3 hours. Then brush the false teeth with a brush. Toothpaste and other cleaners are not necessary in this case. The solution dissolves plaque, after which it can be easily removed with a regular brush.
  • To clean the prosthesis quickly, you can immerse it in a solution and hold it in the microwave for several minutes. Then you need to clean the structure with a brush. Such an express method is not suitable for cleaning structures with metal parts.
  • Abrasive cleaning is another way to remove plaque from the surface of dentures. You can use either special powder or ordinary soda or powdered activated carbon.You need to slightly wet the brush, dip it into powder, and then thoroughly clean the prosthesis for 2-3 minutes. It is better not to repeat the procedure more than once a month, otherwise the structure may be damaged.

How to clean removable dentures

In pharmacies, a variety of tablets for cleaning dentures are sold. According to user reviews, the best ones are:

  • Protefix denture cleaning tabletsPolident. An effective remedy that removes even traces of coffee and tea. It does not contain abrasive particles, therefore, with its regular use, the integrity of the surface of the prosthesis is not violated.
  • Protefix. Contains active oxygen, contributing to the destruction of bacteria in hard to reach areas. The drug does not change the color of the structure.
  • MyoClean These tablets are designed to disinfect the surface of removable teeth, thereby reducing the likelihood of their coating with a dark coating. The drug fights against halitosis - bad breath.
  • Dentipur. The active substances of the tablets act directly on plaque without causing harm to the structure.
Dentipur denture cleaner contains citric acid and sodium chloride - components that not only dissolve plaque, but also eliminate unpleasant odors.

How to clean plastic dentures

The rules for cleaning dentures at home may vary depending on the materials used to make them. Today, acrylic is actively used for these purposes - a special type of plastic that is similar in appearance to natural tooth enamel. The material is very light, which makes it easier to get used to plastic prostheses and makes the process of wearing them more comfortable.

However, acrylic has a list of significant shortcomings that affect the rules for cleaning products made from it. Acrylic is easy to scratch. Plaque accumulates more actively on a rough surface, therefore only soft toothbrushes are used for daily cleaning of plastic prostheses. The paste should not contain coarse abrasive particles. Dental powders for daily use should be completely abandoned.

You need to know not only the better to clean dentures made of plastic, but also how to do it. Circular movements are harmful to the material: they create numerous scratches on its surface. Artificial teeth should be brushed in the same way as natural ones: with sweeping movements, moving the brush from imitation of the gums to the edge of the crowns. When using disinfectant solutions, you must follow the instructions for their use.

How and what to whiten dentures at home

If you follow all the rules for caring for false teeth, you do not have to bleach them. Dental construction usually takes on a dark shade due to plaque. It absorbs dyes from tea, coffee, other drinks and food, gradually turning yellow, and then blackening. In most cases, it is enough to remove the plaque, and the dentures become lighter.

Dental prostheses can be whitened at home with an ordinary whitening paste. It should not contain abrasive components, namely bleaching. Make sure that it contains hydrogen peroxide or urea.

Use such pastes after disinfecting cleaning is pointless. They can lighten dentures only if they are used as a means for standard daily cleaning. Active substances begin to act only when saliva enters the alkaline environment. They release oxygen, which pushes the pigment out of the porous structure of the structure. This is how bleaching takes place.

Cleaning removable dentures with folk remedies

There are a huge number of folk remedies with which you can clean dentures at home. The best ways are listed below:

  • In a glass of purified water is added 1 tbsp. l vinegar (70%). Dentures are placed in this mixture for several hours, and preferably at night.After cleaning, rinse the structure thoroughly so that when it is worn, the active substances of the solution do not affect the mucous membrane of the gums.
  • To replace disinfecting solutions, many use essential oils, for example, from lemon and tea tree. Both types of oils have a powerful antiseptic effect. It is enough to add 5 drops of each oil to a glass of purified water and leave the prosthesis in this solution for several hours. It is not necessary to brush with a removable denture after the procedure, but it is still desirable.
  • A teaspoon of soda is mixed with a few drops of lemon juice. The resulting gruel of the prosthesis is cleaned once every few weeks. For daily use, it is not suitable.
It is better not to clean dentures with folk remedies made at home on an ongoing basis. They are only suitable for disinfection or thorough monthly cleaning of orthopedic structures.

In the care of dentures, more important is not the choice of the right remedy, but the frequency of action. Even if you only clean the prosthesis with a toothbrush, but do it every day, it will last longer and do less harm than with thorough cleaning once a month.

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