Treatment of periodontal disease with pharmacy and folk remedies at home

Periodontal disease is an inflammatory disease accompanied by destruction of the peridental soft tissues. Gums become friable, covered with ulcers, abscesses. Gradually, the infectious and inflammatory process spreads to the bone tissue, destroying it too. The roots and necks of the teeth are exposed, plaque and stone are formed on them, corroding enamel.

Periodontal disease is treated at home with the help of both pharmacy and folk remedies. The basis of complex therapy is taking medication, using physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, massage and herbal medicine.

Periodontal disease

Causes of the disease

To cure periodontal disease at home, you need to correctly identify the prerequisites that led to its development. Among the main factors that provoke the occurrence of pathology in adults, there are:

  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Malfunctions in the circulatory system caused by pathologies of the arterial and cardiovascular systems.
  • Hormonal disorders caused by pathologies of the endocrine system. In this case, the production of enzymes that ensure the normal state of the gums is reduced, as a result, dental units are hardly retained by the periodontium.
  • Violation of the rules of nutrition - excessive consumption of rough, spicy, too cold or hot food, poor nutrition, lack of vegetables and fruits.
  • TartarViolation of the rules of hygiene - surface brushing without the use of dental floss, making it impossible to remove plaque that is converted to tartar. How it looks is shown in the photo on the right.
  • Vitamin deficiency - a lack of vitamin C.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract. Disorders in the digestive tract, manifested in insufficient or complete dysfunction of the absorption and assimilation of elements that strengthen and regenerate soft and bone tissues.
  • Diabetes.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Injury of periodontal tissues - cuts by fragments of teeth, bruises, fractures.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Neurological pathology.
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol.
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the oral mucosa.

Details on the causes of periodontal disease are described in the video:

Manifestations of the disease

The main symptoms of periodontal disease are:

  • Gums for periodontal disease

    Photo: gums look like with periodontal disease

    Faded, light gum color due to decreased blood flow.

  • Bleeding between the teeth. This phenomenon can be observed during toothbrushing, when even a slight exposure to a toothbrush causes bleeding of interdental tissues.
  • Plaque in hard-to-reach places that cannot be removed by brushing your teeth.
  • Narrowing of the alveolar areas of the dental units, accompanied by exposure of the roots.
  • The necks of the teeth are exposed and painfully react to various external influences: hot, cold, spicy, sweet.
  • Destruction of the alveolar processes.
  • Loosening and tooth loss.
  • Sensation of ripple.
  • The appearance of wounds, abscesses, putrid breath.

Periodontal disease of the gums can be treated at home, but only under the supervision of a doctor, since the disease develops rapidly and leads to disastrous consequences, one of which is tooth loss.

Periodontal disease cannot be started, because if untreated, it can provoke multiple complications that affect not only the oral cavity, but also the circulatory, vascular system, and digestive tract organs.

How to treat periodontal disease at home, folk remedies for periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is treated comprehensively. In most cases, the medication regimen includes medication, massage, therapeutic toothpastes, vitamin therapy and folk remedies.

The medical course of treatment for the disease includes:

  • Massage of soft tissues of the oral cavity. It is carried out using special equipment. It allows you to increase blood circulation in the periodontium, stimulates metabolic processes in the gingival tissue. The procedure is carried out in almost all clinics in Moscow.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment. It eliminates the effects of tissue atrophy and reduces sensitivity in the area of ​​exposed neck of the teeth.
  • Surgical intervention. Affected areas of hard and soft tissues are restored by implantation of artificial materials.
  • Folk remedies and self-massage. Many treatment regimens for periodontal disease include the use of home-made medicines, but only with the permission of a specialist.

Folk methods of treating periodontal disease combine several areas:

  • Applying compresses and rinsing the mouth with herbal decoctions and tinctures from animal products (propolis, honey).
  • Toothbrushing with pastes made from natural ingredients (honey, salt).
  • Self-massage and rubbing.

Herbs and animal products used in the treatment of periodontal disease, have anti-inflammatory and healing effects, activate blood circulation and metabolic processes in periodontal disease. Applying folk recipes to combat pathology, you need to remember that some ingredients can cause allergies and irritation.

Many home-made medicines are incompatible with medications. Therefore, the choice of folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease at home should be agreed with the doctor.

Ointment and gel treatment

Effectively getting rid of periodontal disease at home is possible only when taking medications. In most cases, specialists prescribe medications that relieve symptoms, relieve inflammation, and enhance metabolic processes in the affected area.

The following drugs help fight pathology:

  • Elugel, which includes the antiseptic chlorhexidine, is effective in treating not only periodontal disease, but also periodontitis, as well as increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Troxevasin, which has a pronounced anti-periodontal effect and improves blood circulation.
  • Solcoseryl, used for rubbing and applying compresses.
  • Heparin ointment that dilutes blood and improves microcirculation in blood vessels.

Gel Troxevasin

Antibiotic treatment

With advanced periodontal disease and an extremely poor condition of the gums, a course of antibacterial therapy is indicated. Adults may take the following medicines:

  • Azithromycin is an antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action. It inhibits pathogenic microflora, blocks the growth and reproduction of microbes, acts on intracellular and extracellular pathogens of infection.
  • Doxycycline is an antibiotic that blocks the growth of bacteria and inhibits the synthesis of pathogens.
After an antibacterial treatment course, the administration of probiotics in the form of candies is shown, which ensures the restoration of the natural microflora of the oral cavity. For example, Acylacta.

Vitamin therapy

To quickly cure periodontal disease, you need to take vitamins that are useful for gums. With this disease, the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamins P, C, A, E, group B, natural beta-carotene, folic acid, quartzine is indicated.Ascorbic acid is taken after meals twice a day, it helps to reduce bleeding gums.

Massage treatment

Treatment of periodontal disease of the teeth will bring a positive result much faster if therapeutic self-massage is included in the therapeutic course. Massage manipulations can be carried out not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of the disease. Through mechanical action on periodontal tissue, you can get rid of the following signs of pathology:

  • Gum massageAccumulation of pus in periodontal pockets (even if the pocket is very deep), which are cleaned with massage movements.
  • The spread of bacteria. Massage of the gums during periodontal disease will help get rid of the remnants of metabolic products that accumulate in deep periodontal pockets, and effectively relieve the growth of bacteria.
  • Wounds and degenerative processes in the posterior tissues. Increased blood flow allows you to quickly repair damaged periodontal tissues, accelerating their healing.
  • Loose periodontal tissue. Thanks to massage, they become more dense and begin to resist pathogenic bacteria.

Before starting the massage, you must wash your hands thoroughly. Gums need to be massaged with calm movements, gradually increasing intensity. The procedure should be carried out regularly.

Rubbing treatment

You can treat periodontal disease at home by rubbing medicinal folk remedies into the gums. Particularly effective home-made medicines include:

  • A mixture of alum and salt. Alum eliminates the infection, cleans teeth from plaque, and helps restore the affected areas of soft tissues. You need to take a teaspoon of salt and mix with the same amount of alum powder. A few drops of mustard oil are added to the mixture. The resulting composition is rubbed into the teeth and surrounding gingival tissue with massaging movements for several minutes. After that, the mouth is rinsed with warm water. The mixture is applied after each meal.
  • A mixture of honey and cinnamon. Periodontal disease can be treated with honey and cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. The mixture is rubbed into the affected areas of the gums overnight for 7 days. In the morning, the oral cavity is rinsed with warm water.
  • Aloe. The plant has a pronounced antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect. Sharp edges are cut from the aloe leaf, the plant itself is cut in half and used to rub the gums. The procedure must be performed three times a day for 10 days.
  • Turmeric and Dried Indian Melia. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and salted. The resulting mixture should be gently rubbed into the affected areas of the gums for several minutes. At the end of the procedure, the mouth is rinsed with warm water. Rubbing is recommended once a day. The mixture qualitatively destroys the infection, heals and strengthens the periodontium.

Rinse treatment

Rinsing the mouth with gum diseases such as periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis, helps to provide an antibacterial and soothing effect on damaged tissues. Herbal decoctions effectively stop the inflammatory process, cleanse the oral cavity. The greatest effect can be achieved by rinsing after each meal, brushing your teeth, before going to bed.

You can rinse your mouth with periodontal disease with such decoctions and infusions:

  • Add to the warm water a mixture of calamus root, mint leaf, propolis (20 g each). Insist 1 month. It is necessary to rinse your mouth with a tool before bedtime.
  • The flowers of ordinary marigold (can be dried) are poured with a glass of boiling water. The broth is infused for 15 minutes. Rinse should be done 1-2 times a day. Calendula has a strong anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. The broth can be drunk.
  • To dilute twenty drops of propolis pharmacy tincture with 200 ml of warm water (boiled). The resulting solution should rinse your mouth, the procedure is carried out every time after a meal.You can drink the medicine.
  • Periodontal disease is effectively treated with decoction of oak bark, which has an antiseptic and restorative effect, a tanning property. Oak bark is poured with boiling water, infused for 30 minutes. The mouth must be rinsed after each meal.
  • Dried lingonberry leaf (6 g.) Is poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes. The broth is filtered, cooled to room temperature. Rinsing the mouth is carried out up to 7 times a day, the mood can be taken orally.
  • The disease can be treated with infusion with garlic. Chopped garlic is poured with boiling water, infused for 30 minutes. The mixture is filtered and used to conduct oral baths (fluid retention in the mouth).

Treatment with lotions, compresses

In order to quickly heal teeth and gums from periodontal disease, you need to include in the treatment regimen attachments and lotions:

  • Hydroperite tablets - a drug consisting of hydrogen peroxide and urea. They are used for antiseptic treatment of gums and getting rid of bleeding. In addition, they remove plaque well. One tablet is dissolved in a glass of hot water, in which a piece of cotton wool is used, which is used for local treatment of the oral mucosa.
  • Tea bags. Periodontal disease can be controlled with simple tea. The recipe for the preparation of the medicine is simple: the tea bag is kept in boiling water for several minutes, removed and cooled to a tolerably hot temperature, after which it is applied to the affected gingival areas for 5 minutes. The tannic acids contained in tea can effectively remove the infection.
  • Comfrey infusion. The broth strengthens the dental tissues and contributes to their restoration. A tablespoon of grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for about 12 hours. A strained infusion is impregnated with a piece of gauze or cotton wool, which is applied to the affected areas of the periodontium.
  • Lotions with nettles. Effective for bleeding gums. Two tablespoons of herbs are boiled in boiling water for about 20 minutes. A piece of gauze is moistened in a decoction and applied to areas of the gum mucosa affected by periodontal disease for 15 minutes. The solution can be taken orally.
Pronounced anti-inflammatory and healing effect have plantain leaves. They are crushed and applied to gums affected by periodontal disease for 10-15 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.

Periodontal paste

Brushing teeth and gums with specialized and home-made healing pastes helps to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, provide antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effects.

Recipes for homemade healing pastes:

  • Toothpaste with lemon juice. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is applied to the toothbrush. The paste is gently rubbed into the periodontal tissue, left for 3 minutes, after which the oral cavity is rinsed with warm water.
  • Pasta with tea tree oil. Helps remove plaque, has an antibacterial effect. Two drops of the product are added to any regular paste.
  • Pasta from a honey-salt mixture. You should combine 10 g of salt and 20 g of honey. The mixture is applied to the toothbrush and used to clean teeth and gums. The procedure is repeated 2 times a day.

For the treatment of periodontal disease, folk remedies can be used, but only in combination with conservative therapy. With advanced forms of the disease, home-made medicines are powerless, so you can use them for treatment only after the doctor’s approval.

In more detail about methods of preventing periodontal disease and how to treat the disease at home, see the video:

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