How to quickly relieve acute toothache at home

Toothache is the most severe. This fact is confirmed by the British scientist David Andrew. He found that signals from the dental nerves come in three areas of the brain. While the impulses from other organs fall into just one. Therefore, an attempt to relieve toothache at home is a good thing. And nerve cells will die less, and thoughts will be clearer.


What can cause a toothache?

The most common cause is tooth decay. According to statistics maintained by the World Health Organization, 5 billion people suffer from this scourge. And these are only those people who can be counted according to the reports of the clinics.

Caries develops slowly. In the initial stages, it is easily treatable. Pain sensations are weak and disturbing only during the use of cold, hot, sour or sweet foods.

With the advanced form of caries, pain declares itself more often: during the intake of any food. It can be aching, sharp, throbbing, sharp, dull and anything else. It is already more difficult to cure ailment, but it is possible.

The tooth can also hurt for other reasons:

  • Pulpitis - inflammation in the internal cavity. The pain occurs sharply and gives in the ear. May intensify by night. At the first stages of the disease, the dentist can treat the tooth with a conservative method: the affected area of ​​the bone tissue is removed, and a therapeutic paste is applied to the inflamed pulp. In later - only surgical. Which involves removing part or all of the pulp.
  • Periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues that surround the root of the tooth. At first, the pain is sharp or aching. Later - throbbing, tearing. Often, body temperature rises, weakness appears, swells, blushes and bleeds gums. If you start the disease, you have to remove the tooth.
  • Periodontitis - gum disease. The main symptom is a throbbing pain, which intensifies when touched. Ailment lends itself only to complex treatment. It may consist of medical, orthopedic, surgical or physiotherapeutic therapy.

Causes of Toothache

Toothache can also bind a person for internal reasons: due to endocrine disorder, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular or nervous system. With non-carious lesions, enamel suffers. A man ate a sour one, took a bite of an apple, drank hot tea, inhaled cool air with his whole mouth - and the pain is right there.


The first thing a sufferer must do to ease his condition is rinse your mouth. It may contain the remains of a morning sandwich, which caused pain. Eating during an attack is unlikely to be desirable. But in the case of "drink", you should know that hot, cold, sour and sweet can intensify the pain. Therefore, it is better to brew tea without sugar and cool it to room temperature.

Teeth whining is exhausting. But if you want to lie down, you should not indulge yourself. When a person lies, blood flows to his jaw under more pressure. Nerve fibers are irritated, which can increase pain. The same scenario threatens a person who decides to warm a aching tooth with a bag of hot salt. Compresses should be warm, not hot.

You need to eliminate the symptom in your right mind so as not to make a mistake with the dosage of the medicine or to take inside what was intended for external use.Therefore, try some simple tips that will help relieve toothache at home for at least a while:

  • Cry. When a person cries, he is distracted. Plus, blood pressure in the gums decreases, nerve impulses enter the brain less actively, and painful sensations become dull.
  • Have a good laugh. It sounds like a mockery, but a comedy or a funny cartoon really cheers you up, distracts and helps muffle the pain.
  • Get busy. Wash dishes, go through a difficult level in a computer game, or bake pies. Going to bed and lounging is not recommended, since all attention will concentrate on a aching tooth.
  • Express the pain. Draw, play the guitar, mold from clay, bake from dough. Try to calm yourself in all available ways.
  • Fool the brain. Try to do all the ordinary actions in a new way. If you wear a watch on your right hand, change it to your left. Spoon, cup, computer mouse - take everything with the other hand. The brain will begin to receive unusual signals and "distracted", which will help ease the pain.

Tip for toothache 1

The fastest way to relieve toothache - medications

If you have a good painkiller on hand, take it. Analgin, sedalgin, nurofen, tempalgin or any other remedy will do. The main thing is that the removal of toothache is one of the indications for its reception. Therefore, first read the instructions.

Read the full instructions. Information about the side effects is indicated in the leaflet to the pills not to scare away, but to prevent a person from driving in a drowsy state. Or didn’t get to repair the roof before passing out.

Drugs that can be used at home to relieve toothache:

  • NurofenNurofen - analgesic and anti-inflammatory. It will stop the formation of flux and eliminate puffiness. Contraindicated in those who have not saved the liver.
  • Aspirin - the cheapest tool, but not very effective. Take every five hours as needed. Contrary to the advice of grandmothers, you can not put this tablet on the tooth. It really can dull the pain when applied topically, but it can cause a burn.
  • Baralgin - An effective drug based on metamizole sodium. Muffles the most acute cramps. It can be taken from the age of 15 and only with healthy kidneys.
  • Tempalgin - potent analgesic. Contraindicated in persons with blood and liver diseases. To remove a toothache of moderate intensity, you need to take 1 tablet 4 times a day. The maximum allowable rate is 6 pcs.
  • Nise - a powerful tool. It is recommended to use only with severe spasms and no more than once a day. It acts quickly: relief can be felt in 2 minutes. The effect lasts up to 8 hours.
To reduce toothache in a child, it is better to use folk remedies. And adults should not drink pills for too long. They waited for Monday, morning or return from a business trip - and immediately to the doctor.

How to reduce pain without medication

Home-made products can soothe a toothache no worse than pills. There are many such recipes:

  • Onion and chiveOnion and chive. Clean, grind and combine both products in equal amounts. Add a pinch of salt, mix. Ready "slurry" put on a bad tooth and squeeze with cotton. The procedure helps not only drown out the pains, but also removes most of the bacteria. And all thanks to volatile, which are rich in vegetables.
  • Clove essential oil. Gauze with two drops of the substance applied to the sore spot. If you drip more, you can burn your mouth. The compress acts as a local anesthetic and alleviates the condition even with acute symptoms.
  • Ponytail tails. Dry in the oven, pour boiling water (1 glass per 10 pcs.) And insist. Rinse your mouth with the finished mixture. The more often, the better. The pain will not disappear, but significantly reduced.
  • Plantain root. Rinse, mash and apply to an inflamed tooth.The plant has antimicrobial and analgesic properties.
  • Herbal decoction. A tablespoon of dried calendula, sage or chamomile pour 500 milligrams of water and insist for an hour. Use to rinse the mouth. It helps to dull the pain and cure simple forms of inflammation.
  • Fat. Place a slice of product between the cheek and the tooth. Wait 10 minutes. The principle of action of such an exotic remedy defies explanation. But they really can soothe a toothache.
  • Tincture of periwinkle. Pour dried flowers with boiling water (2 tbsp. Per 200 ml) and insist. Rinse your mouth 3-4 times a day. You can also use birch buds and vodka. But the latter does not need to be heated. The tool relieves pain in a matter of minutes.
  • Soda solution. Mix 1 tbsp. l substances with 200 ml of hot water and cool to body temperature. Rinse the mixture as needed. Soda copes with edema and bacteria. But with it, toothache can be removed only for a short time - up to an hour.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Used to rinse the mouth and only in diluted form: 1 tbsp. l Combine a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide with 100 mg of warm water and mix. First you need to pour water into the glass, and then the solution. Follow the dosing rules, otherwise you will get a burn.
  • Walnut leaves Pour boiling water, insist for an hour and rinse your mouth. To accelerate the reduction of pain, you can moisten the fleece in the broth and attach to the aching tooth. The tool helps to reduce the symptom, but not its elimination.

Teeth start to hurt suddenly. And it’s not a fact that at the right moment soda, onion or other products will be at hand. But there is a refrigerator in every home, so try to relieve toothache with ice. Nibble it or put it on the cheek. True, do not get carried away. If you cool the gums for too long, the nerve can become inflamed.

Toothache Tip 2

What to do pregnant

Pregnant women should contact a dentist right away to help stop the development of the disease. But if the tooth hurts unbearably, you can relieve the pain at home. Any folk remedies from the previous paragraph of the article will do, except those that include vodka, essential oils or hydrogen peroxide.

Medications are contraindicated for women in the situation, and folk remedies do not always help to relieve pain in the tooth. Therefore, it is better to try to avoid the development of caries and other diseases, adhering to simple rules:

  • consume foods rich in calcium;
  • brush your teeth in the morning and before bedtime;
  • remove stuck food particles with a thread;
  • limit sugar intake;
  • visit the dentist;
  • rinse your mouth after each meal.

Toothache doesn’t hurt

British scientists have found that 90% of adults find dental procedures painful. They foresee pain even when they don’t see tools. Therefore, they are reluctant to visit the clinic: only 3 out of 10 people go to the doctor, and the rest try to calm the toothache with analgesics as soon as possible and forget about its existence.

In fact, all fears are groundless. In the 20th century, novocaine was the only anesthetic; dozens of types of advanced drugs are now used. Among the most popular: ultracain, septonest and ubistesin. They are made on the basis of articaine, which is 5 times more powerful than novocaine.

So take a painkiller and go to the doctor. The pain does not dull forever, sooner or later it will return. And with a vengeance. In the meantime, you will muffle the symptom, the disease that caused its appearance will develop and cause complications.

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