How to make teeth white at home and in the clinic, how to keep teeth white

A beautiful smile delights and makes a person charming. But by nature it is given to few. Therefore, so often people think about how to make their teeth white. Today there are many ways to become the owner of a Hollywood smile even at home.

Snow-white teeth

What determines the whiteness of teeth

The color of healthy teeth is slightly yellow by nature. Strong enamel darkening is possible for the following reasons:

  • Heredity and age.
  • Improper diet, smoking and other bad habits.
  • The use of fluorinated water. In small doses, this element is useful. But with its excess, a disease such as fluorosis occurs. It is accompanied by the appearance of spots on the enamel and provokes the fragility of the teeth.
  • Careless brushing of teeth. With insufficient oral hygiene, tooth enamel turns yellow, darkens and becomes susceptible to caries.
  • A large amount of sugar in the diet. Sugar is a favorable environment for bacteria whose metabolic products thin the tooth enamel. As a result, dentin becomes visible, having a shade of yellowness.

What you need to do to make your teeth white

To preserve the natural whiteness of the dentition, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

  1. Limit the use of coloring food. Most often, tooth enamel loses its whiteness in people who regularly eat and drink the following products:
    • Coffee, black tea - contain dyes.
    • Caramel, lollipops - form a film leading to damage and darkening of the tooth surface.
    • Blueberries, blackberries, beets - contain natural dyes and, despite their usefulness, corrode the coating of teeth.
    • Carbonated drinks: cola, Pepsi, mineral water - frequent use can cause enamel necrosis, accompanied by the appearance of white spots and then dark ones.
    • Spicy sauces, oriental spices, red wine - rich in dyes.
  2. Eat right. Solid foods, such as vegetables and fruits, help the teeth stay white. The fibers contained in these gifts of nature contribute to the cleansing of inaccessible interdental spaces. Also, to maintain the health and whiteness of teeth, sour-milk products are needed.
  3. Conduct daily oral hygiene procedures. You need to brush your teeth regularly. Professionals advise people whose teeth are prone to rapid formation of tartar, to use prophylactic paste, dental floss and a brush with hard bristles. Another good habit is to visit the dental office on time. The doctor needs to show the teeth once every six months and every time a toothache occurs.
  4. To refuse from bad habits. If you can’t quit smoking, then you should alternate brushing your teeth with pastes containing medicinal herbs and fluoride.

How to brush your teeth so that they are white

Hygiene procedures for oral care should be treated responsibly. Teeth should be brushed 2 times a day. After cleansing and between meals, rinse the oral cavity with an antiseptic solution, since the food particles get stuck in the interdental spaces and rot. And some products even corrode tooth enamel: berries, fruits, salads with vinegar or lemon dressing.

It is not recommended to brush your teeth immediately after eating. It is better to wait about an hour to complete the digestion process. In the morning it is advisable to carry out hygiene procedures before breakfast, and not after it.

During cleaning, you need to hold the toothbrush parallel to the tooth surface and make sweeping and rotational movements with it. In more detail, the brushing technique is shown in the picture:

How to brush your teeth

The right choice of brush and regular care is a guarantee of healthy teeth and the beauty of a smile. The best recognized electric brushes. But for those who opted for the familiar option, it is better to buy a brush of medium hardness and to disinfect it from time to time:

  • immersed in boiling water for several minutes;
  • using a microwave;
  • by means of a special solution or mouth rinse.
A new toothbrush is recommended to buy every 3 months. It is better to store it in a separate glass. With improper storage and care, the brush will quickly become a hotbed of germs.

Dental enamel whitening at the dentist

For public people, a snow-white smile is an integral part of the image. Modern dentistry clinics offer a variety of enamel whitening methods:

  • Mechanical - using ultrasound or the Air Flow technique.
  • Chemicals - using a laser or ZOOM technology.

The advantages of professional enamel whitening in the dentistry clinic include a long-term effect: the teeth remain white for about a year. And the downside is the high cost of services and increased sensitivity of the teeth after the procedure.

Teeth before and after whitening in dentistry

Teeth before and after whitening in dentistry

How to make snow-white teeth at home

You can make your teeth white at home in the following ways:

  • The teeth can be made white with whitening toothpastes. It is better to opt for one that contains not only bleaching particles, but also calcium, which restores enamel. For example, Rox or Splat. When using such pastes, it is necessary to take breaks equal to 2-3 weeks.
  • A good tooth enamel bleach is ordinary baking soda. If the coating has turned brown, you can mix soda with peroxide. To obtain a solution with an antiseptic property, soda powder is mixed with toothpaste and pour a glass of warm boiled water. Then the mixture is stirred and used to rinse the mouth.
  • Activated charcoal will help clean teeth from plaque and restore their whiteness at home. Three tablets of coal are crushed and rubbed into the enamel after cleaning. Wood resin is used in the same way.
  • Whitens enamel, and also fights against pathogenic microbes sunflower oil. You need to put it in your mouth (for one time, 1 teaspoon is enough) and rinse their teeth for about 10 minutes. Acquisition of oil with a cloudy or whitish hue indicates the presence of pathogenic microbes in the mouth. This method has other advantages: the condition of the gums improves, the sensitivity of the teeth decreases.
  • You can return the whiteness to your teeth with the help of sour berries and herbs. Raspberries, strawberries and lemon contain fruit acids that help lighten enamel. You need to rub your teeth with a whole berry or brush with berry gruel. Powdered dry basil and sage help whiten teeth from herbs. Herbal powders are added to toothpaste, which is used to clean teeth.
  • Tooth powder is not in demand in pharmacies. However, it remarkably cleans and whitens teeth, and also fights against tartar. The undeniable advantage of tooth powder is its low price.
  • Radical whitening methods include hydrogen peroxide, which is part of many whitening pencils. The drug makes the tooth surface whiter, but with frequent use it is dangerous (it can get into the esophagus).
Teeth before and after bleaching with baking soda

Teeth before and after bleaching with baking soda

A snow-white smile is a symbol of success. Today it’s easy to find information on how to make your teeth white. But it is important to remember their health. Lighten the enamel correctly, regularly clean it of plaque and make a good habit - regularly visit dentistry.

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