How much does a tooth extraction cost, where can I remove a tooth for free and around the clock

In any dentistry tooth extraction is a last resort. The operation can be scheduled or emergency. Emergency removal is performed in the presence of an acute inflammatory process, they resort to the planned procedure in case of painful eruption of molars and wisdom teeth, the lack of results in the treatment of teeth by conservative methods and the impossibility of prosthetics. With planned surgical intervention, the question arises for patients: how much does it cost to remove a tooth and which dental clinic is better to choose.

Tooth extraction operation

Dental Extraction Prices and Dental Clinic Selection

How much tooth extraction will cost depends on the complexity of the operation and the choice of painkillers. Tooth extraction prices can vary greatly. In the same dentistry, simple extraction can cost 500 rubles., And surgical - 1500 rubles.

Several factors have the maximum impact on the cost of a service:

  • Type and level of dental clinic: state clinic, private economy or business class clinic. Where it is more expedient to remove the tooth, the patient should decide. In the municipal clinic, this can be done for free, but you will have to wait a long line and hope that a doctor who is tired of a large number of patients will not make a mistake. In private clinics, more attention is paid to patients, but the cost of surgery is growing. Dentists of a high level are equipped with the best equipment and hire highly qualified doctors.
  • Compulsory Health Insurance PolicyAvailability of insurance policy: compulsory medical insurance, voluntary medical insurance. In private clinics, the policy does not apply to all services. Their list is usually available in the public domain, so you can find out in advance whether the hospital is included in the compulsory medical insurance program and what benefits can be calculated by policy.
  • The complexity of the procedure and the serial number of the extracted tooth. Pulling out the lower teeth of wisdom (eights) is more difficult and much more expensive than pulling out the upper incisors.
  • The condition of the tooth being removed. A high degree of destruction, the absence or fragility of the crown, and root growth make the procedure more complicated and expensive.
  • Used anesthesia. Prices for anesthesia depend on the type of drugs used. Domestic anesthetics are cheaper than their Western counterparts, but less effective.
  • Mobility. Milk teeth are mobile, they can be pulled out in a matter of minutes. In the event that the gums are healthy and the molars are motionless, much more effort will have to be done to remove the molar. Mobility can be caused by an inflammatory process in the periodontium. If the gums are inflamed, and the tooth is not firmly held in the gum bed, it is easy to pull it out.
An important factor affecting how much it costs to pull out a tooth is the region and the level of well-being of the city. With the same complexity of the operation and at the same level of clinics in Moscow, removal will cost 3-4 times more expensive than in Samara or Voronezh.

In what medical facilities can a tooth be removed for free

Every citizen of the Russian Federation has a compulsory medical insurance policy, thanks to which he has the right to receive free of charge services included in basic programs. The tooth extraction procedure is included in the free basic program, operating throughout Russia.

Private clinics do not always provide a full list of compulsory medical insurance services; therefore, when searching for a medical institution where you can pull out a tooth for free, patients often turn to municipal hospitals and clinics.You should know in advance whether there is a surgeon in the selected hospital, and whether he can perform the necessary removal surgery.

If the patient first applied to a dental health facility, he must have a passport, a compulsory medical insurance policy and an insurance certificate. Reception can be made by appointment or in a live queue. Emergency tooth extraction in critically ill patients is performed out of turn. In such a situation, you can apply for free help at any municipal clinic or 24-hour emergency room, even without a policy.

Indications for emergency removal are:

  • body temperature above 38.5 ° C, caused by an inflammatory process in the oral cavity;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • unbearable toothache.

Where can I remove a tooth at night or on a weekend

In almost all cities there are on-call dental emergency rooms that work around the clock, on weekends and holidays. You can find out where they are by calling an ambulance. The duty officer will list all the phone numbers and addresses of the emergency room on duty. He can also ask which clinic has the necessary equipment and a qualified doctor in case you have to urgently pull out a bad tooth.

Most private clinics work on weekends, and some around the clock. You can find out the addresses of hospitals where simple and complex tooth extractions are performed around the clock on the official dentistry sites.

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